Sunday, September 27, 2009

Last Lecture

To start off I found it very heartbreaking to know that Prof Randy Pausch was dying from the tumors in his lungs. But as I watched the lecture I begin to understand that this man has really lived a fulfilling life and is really leaving a huge impact on his students.

I think that MIT has really made a breakthrough in teacher -student relations by allowing their professors to have more control over their lectures and classroom settings. I loved how he started his lecture by saying what he wasn't going to be talking about in his lecture and he didn't talk about those things. And I also loved how he only talked about what he said he would. I have had my share of professors who say they are only going to talk about certain things and end up spending twenty minutes on something completely off the text.

Professor Pausch's lecture was not only an interesting lecture but it also included specific events from his life that got him to where he was. From that I gathered how my own life experiences can be used in the classroom setting to help push my point even further and it also made the lecture a bit humorous. I really found the use of props can aid in waking up the lecture even more and keeps the students interested and eager to see what direction the lecture is headed.

It was very unfortunate that he passed away, but I think he left us with very vital information that will help many of us in our future careers. I now have a better understanding of being an innovative teacher, by using what I already know I can help others make it to where they are trying to get to.

Thank you Professor Pausch.

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